How to clean a gaming P.C?

In this article, we will tell you how can you clean a gaming P.C in a very good and reliable manner. Learning about how to clean your P.C. is important. It will improve the speed of your computer and it will work in a better way and more quickly. Maintaining good P.C. hygiene will make … Read more

How much electricity does a gaming pc use?

It is essential to understand the electricity and power usage of your PC to make informed decisions when selecting specific components for your computer. It’s interesting to think about the devices which consume a majority of your household electricity – for example, washing machines, air conditioners, and microwave ovens. However, you might not realize that … Read more

PC Building Checklist – How to Build a Gaming PC in 2022

The first step in building your gaming PC is choosing the appropriate components, whether you’re building a high-end performance machine or a low-cost PC. Introduction to Gaming PC: Building your own gaming computer can be a lot of fun, and it gives you a lot more control over the components in your computer tower.A high-quality … Read more

What to look for when buying a gaming PC in 2023?

A computer used for playing games also known as a gaming PC is a personal computer used for playing video games at a high level. Gaming PCs are different from personal computers because it uses high-performance video cards and high core-counts CPU which means that it has a large number of cores. A core is … Read more

What gaming console should I buy in 2023?

Top 10 Gaming Consoles

In this article, we will discuss in detail about gaming consoles, their features, and the top consoles to buy in 2023. While buying one, Important specs you should look at are the: CPU, GPU, RAM, system storage, expandable storage, extended storage, video output, audio output, connectivity, and networking features. Also, consider how these specs translate … Read more

Why are gaming PCs so expensive?

Reasons of high priced gaming PC's

In this article we will discuss the factors which effect the prices of gaming PC.In this era of Technology many new PC games require powerful specs just to play them. If you want to play these games on maximum settings, the price increases exponentially.Latest games require latest CPUs,GPUs along with 16-32 GB of RAM. PC gaming … Read more

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