How to clean a gaming P.C?

In this article, we will tell you how can you clean a gaming P.C in a very good and reliable manner. Learning about how to clean your P.C. is important. It will improve the speed of your computer and it will work in a better way and more quickly. Maintaining good P.C. hygiene will make sure your P.C. looks good and it will also help in maintaining a good performance while running the latest games.

Dusty PCClean PC
Dust affects the performance of the PC. Dusty PC is slower than a clean PC.Clean PCs tend to function more effectively than dusty PC.
Dusty PC are easily overheated.Clean PC don’t overheat easily.
Effects of dust


Following are the steps you need to follow before cleaning your P.C:

  • Firstly, make sure that you wear a mask or a good respirator if you want to avoid breathing in the dust and keep yourself healthy.
  • Make sure that your P.C. is powered off and your power cable is unplugged from the rear.
  • If you want to avoid any kind of dangerous thing then it is good to unplug everything.
  • Try to move your computer to a well-ventilated place or at least open the window to provide some fresh air.
  • Also, remove the side panels and also try to remove the front panel of your case.
  • You must also use an anti-static wrist when handling a component.

Steps to clean a gaming P.C

  1. First of all, remove all the dust on your computer and you can also do this by using a vacuum cleaner. Don’t use it directly on the interior parts of your computer as there is a lot of risk of static damage. You can also use a can of air or a blower in order to remove as much dust as possible from your P.C. If your P.C. has not been cleaned for a long time then there must be dust on your fans, vents, and heat sinks. o in this case, a quick dusting must not be enough.

  1. If you do some kind of work such as functional tools or gaming then you have to do more than just dusting. In this case, you have to redo all your cable management, drain the water-cooling loop and unhook all your drive caddies. The result is going to be worth it.

  1. Make sure that you reapply the thermal paste if you remove the heat sync.

  1. Remember to put all the components over a conductor. This gives you a chance to see what actually needs your cleaning attention.

  1. If there are any oily marks or some stubborn grime, then in this case you can use cotton swabs and isopropyl alcohol. But make sure to dry it out before putting the components back.

  1. Some elements like graphic cards can get dust inside a covered area. Cleaning this may require disassembling the card, which is possible only if you have the right tools. Use this method only if your P.C. is extra dusty and there might be some caked inside.


Do cleaning P.C. boosts FPS?

If you clean your P.C. by giving it some extra time and you clean its both inside and outside parts in a very good way then your P.C. will make sure that it’s running capacity and it will also help you in improving your gaming experience.

Does a dirty P.C. run slowly?

The build-up of dust can surely affect your computer’s working and performance. It makes the components of your computer retain heat and it makes it more difficult for the internal system to dissipate that from the system thereby increasing or decreasing the efficiency of the system.

How often you should clean a gaming PC?

It is a good practice to clean up your computer at least every three to six months. The dust can reduce the efficiency and working capacity of your computer so it’s good to clean it frequently so it can work properly.

How do I clean the C.P.U dust?

Caked-on dust or dirt can be removed easily by isopropyl alcohol or cloth or Q-tip for the hard-to-reach place. The hard drive or power supply should never be taken apart not to even cleaned them.

Should I clean my P.C. every day?

No, you should not do it daily. It is reliable to clean it only after 3 months or 6 months. Cleaning the P.C. daily can also affect it in a bad manner.


It is advisable to clean your P.C. often for its proper and good working. But you should do it very carefully so that it does not affect your P.C. in a dangerous manner. All the precautions should be kept in mind while cleaning your P.C. You must put all the components in their correct place after cleaning them. Remember to do all this process by keeping your P.C. off and no power supply should be near it. All this will help you maintain a healthy system for your P.C.

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