How To Setup A Gaming PC?

There has been a lot of discussions about How To Setup A Gaming PC? up gaming PC. In this article I will discuss the procedure to built new gaming PC and rebuilt gaming PC. Building a gaming PC at home is not a difficult task for a gamers. But if you are beginner then you face a quit difficulty to setup your gaming PC. But there is no need to worry because we have full instructions on how to set up your self-built gaming PC in the upcoming sections. 

1. What Do You Need To Prepare?

Before going forward let me a look at the tools and devices we need to built our PC.

PC Build Tools


The first thing you need to build a gaming PC is screwdrivers. Adding an M.2 SSD to your gaming PC? You’ll need a Phillips #1 screwdriver, as a Phillips #2 will be too large for the screw drive.


Workspace should be neat, clean and dry. Always select a huge and safe area for working from different electrical hazards.

Gaming PC Cases

Many people believe that gaming PCs are not crucial .The PC cases, or at least PC case sizes, will help you determine the space needed for your gaming PC. As we know, there are three PC sizes – full-tower, mid-tower, and mini-tower. Hence, preparing your PC case for the process is advisable

Gaming PC Components

Here you should pay attention to the components to build the Gaming PC.

CPU (Central Processing Unit):

CPU is the brain of PC that give the basic instructions and the PC will work on its instructions. It is the unit which is core of every computer that creates programs.


Alternatively called the mainboard, backplane board, base board, main circuit board, planar board, system board, or a logic board act as a connection between hardware components of your gaming PC.

RAM (Random Access Memory):

 One of the most fundamental elements of computing is RAM stands for random access memory .RAM (random access memory) is a computer’s short-term memory, where the data that the processor is currently using is stored.

GPU (Graphics Processing Unit):

 GPU has become one of the most important types of computing technology, both for personal and business computing. GPU renders images. It is the primary component in gaming PCs.

System cooling:

Computer cooling systems are active or passive cooling systems designed to dissipate excessive heat generated through a Pc. It cools down your computer when the temperature is higher than the limited level.

OS (Operating System):

An operating system is a program that connects a user and hardware. Moreover it handles all the functions between hardware and software. All the working of a computer system depends on the OS at the base level. 


Your PC deserves a good SSD. The faster it is, the faster you can transfer files and load game textures. Good storage can make a big difference to your PC gaming experience.

PSU (Power Supply Unit):

PSU is the IT hardware component which is in charge of your PC.

2. Setup A Gaming PC (Self-Built):

Installing CPU:

First of all you must take the motherboard out of the case then find the socket for CPU which lies in the protective plastic cap. As you have located where the CPU socket is, you will see a metal lever. Press it lightly and pull it aside to open the socket tray. Hold the corners, to prevent any future damage do not touch its surface.Then, look at the corner and find an arrow. Line that arrow up with an arrow you would see on the CPU and locate the CPU onto the socket. This step must be done as gently as possible.

In intel CPUs pins are in the motherboard which goes into the CPU.In AMD CPUs pins are on the CPU which goes into the motherboard.
Intel series are like i3, i5, i7, etc.AMD series are like Rayzon 3, Rayzon 6, etc.
Difference Between AMD and intel

Installing CPU cooling device:

You can install any cooler which can suit your PC because CPU cooling devices are divided into many groups .  Every cooler comes with a manual, which we highly suggest you consult. 

Installing RAM (Also Known As Random Access Memory):

Installing Ram depends on the numbers of slots you want to place. If you want to fill all the slots, just simply snap them in. This step does not ask for much technical skill like the previous ones.

Testing Your PC Before Using:

For the test, install your GPU and connect them all with a power source to conduct the test. Before installing GPU read the user manual carefully. Keep your installation as gentle as possible. Now you can tell which part is doing wrong functions. You must replace the components if they not doing well or stop working.  If nothing malfunctions, uninstall the GPU and disconnect the power source.

Setup A Gaming PC

Connecting The Power Supply:

First of all unpack the PSU, locate its situation ,  which can depend on the PC case which has been mentioned previously. Ideally your PSU will be placed on such an area where it can get air ventilations for better performance.

Installing Motherboard:

If your motherboard comes alone as a big piece of metal, use your Phillips #2 screwdrivers to lock it in its position. While dealing with the motherboard you have to work carefully because the corners are sharp.  We have almost finished the tasks in building a gaming PC.

Installing GPU:

For the most important part of the gaming PC  you may want your GPU to have space, so it should have 16 slots. Y ou can remove the odds and ends to fit your GPU perfectly in this step of installing GPU. Secure all the components with screw to PC case as your GPU has seated well. V

Installing Storage:

When putting in the storage, you will find the drive bay in your PC case. There are two sizes of storage  which include 2.5 and 3.5 inches.


  1. Do I need a dedicated graphics card for gaming?
  • Yes, a dedicated graphics card is essential for optimal gaming performance.
  1. How much RAM do I need for gaming?
  • It depends on the games you play, but 8GB is the minimum, and 16GB is recommended for most games.
  1. Can I use a TV as a gaming monitor?
  • Yes, you can use a TV as a gaming monitor, but you may experience input lag and lower refresh rates.
  1. How do I clean my gaming PC?
  • You can clean your gaming PC by using compressed air to remove dust and debris from your components.
  1. How do I update my gaming PC drivers?
  • You can update your gaming PC drivers by downloading the latest drivers from the manufacturer’s website and installing them on your gaming PC.
  1. How do I optimize my gaming PC settings?
  • You can optimize your gaming PC settings by adjusting your graphics settings, resolution, and refresh rate to ensure optimal performance.
  1. How do I troubleshoot my gaming PC if it crashes?
  • You can troubleshoot your gaming PC by identifying the root cause of the crash and finding solutions online or contacting technical support.
  1. Can I use a wireless mouse and keyboard for gaming?
  • Yes, you can use a wireless mouse and keyboard for gaming, but you may experience input lag, which can affect your gaming experience.
  1. Can I use a laptop for gaming?
  • Yes, you can use a laptop for gaming, but you need to ensure that it has the right hardware components and cooling system to handle the demands of modern games.
  1. How do I ensure that my gaming PC is running smoothly?
  • You can ensure that your gaming PC is running smoothly by monitoring your hardware components’ temperature and usage, updating your drivers and operating system, and keeping your gaming PC free from viruses and malware.


Setting up a gaming PC can be an exciting and challenging task for beginners. However, by following the essential steps outlined in this article, you can set up your gaming PC like a pro. Remember to choose the right components, install and update your drivers and operating system, optimize your settings, and troubleshoot any issues that arise. With these tips and tricks, you can enjoy the best gaming experience on your gaming PC.

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