How does web development make money as a beginner?| 7 cool ways

In this article, I am going to guide you on how to make money by using different skills. This will guide you on the best ways to make money as a web developer.

Worth of having Web Development Skills:

Every web developer asks himself the question What is the worth of your web development skills?

Many people are interested in the field of web development. This field provides many opportunities and a flexible schedule to people to fulfill their basic needs. It is the easiest way to earn money from home. As day by day a huge number of people are booked up to the internet and the digital world are going to be changed, so the demand for a web developer is growing. Many people see this as a great opportunity to make money.

Most in-demand jobs in the world are web development and it offers huge salary ranges as high as $180K for highly skilled developers, while entry-level salaries can be as low as $40K.

 Next to Software engineering and Software Architect, web development is the 3rd most growing industry in the world. It’s the best way to fulfill all your dreams. It’s not only the job but it is the passion because every person wants to make money and run his own business.

You make money while getting customers to someone else product.

web development

Affiliate Marketing (How to make money as a web developer):

Affiliate marketing is a great way to earn money online. You can get a commission every month with different tools that can promote affiliate marketing.  You can become an affiliate Web Developer if you have a blog. But you have to ensure that your content will be valuable, informative, and useful. Your content topic should be specific.

By doing all of these things you will be able to engage people to visit your website to purchase the products and promote the services you are providing.

You can start promoting:

  • SAAS tools
  • Courses
  • Web development academies & Schools
  • e-books
  • YouTube Channels & Videos (Get paid from channel owners)
  • Websites


You have probably heard about blogging. It’s the best way for web designers, web developers, and technical writers to make money, build a personal brand, and make a name for themselves. Web developers can make a handsome amount of income by writing blog posts. You do not need to be an expert blogger or to write a number of words you just have to share your thoughts and ideas with a web developer.

You can advertise, bring sponsors, do affiliate marketing, sell your products through content writing, and many more.


Consider, a blog as an asset where you’re giving someone a place to rent on a monthly/yearly basis.


Business owners who want to promote their products and effectively looking for a place to get attention from the audience.

You can start blogging by learning it if you are a beginner. It’s all about the traffic the audience you can bring to your blog.

Some tips to consider: You should have good knowledge about the traffic of blogs.

  • SEO: Search engine optimization
  • Email marketing: Capture the leads (when someone visits your blog, for contacting them later, you can ask for the email)

You do not need to learn a lot about them just learn the basics and start implementing the strategies.


You may know about the websites like freelancer, Fiverr & Upwork providing you with opportunities to work online at home and earn a handsome amount of money. There are many things in the world that help us to build a successful career in web development. If you desire to become a freelance web developer, this is your chance to make it big. You can work from home for different clients from different countries. Initially, you can work on fiver or up work. But, if you can make yourself a brand, then there are many more opportunities for you like contacting direct clients and getting clients from social media like Facebook groups, Linked In, Instagram, Twitter, and many more.

Difference Between Web Development and Blog Writing:

Web DevelopmentBlog Writing
In web development, a person designs his/her website from scratch by using HTML, CSS, and other languages.In Blog writing a person only writes blogs for other people or for their own site using WordPress or other tools.
Web developer can customize their website in any way they want.Blog writers don’t have the skill to customize the website they focus on the content of the website.
Difference between Web Development and Blog Writing

Create Online Courses:

Online courses are the new frontier of education. And they’re growing rapidly worldwide. Online course creation has become one of the most popular ways to teach and learn online. The Internet has transformed how we learn, and web developers are in high demand. With a simple online course, you can build your reputation as an expert, increase your income, attract clients, boost your creativity and grow your community.

So if you are passionate about teaching web development, create your online course and start to earn money.

Create digital products:

No matter what you’re passionate about, create and sell your products to the world. You can create courses, software, Ebooks, or any digital product that you want to distribute to customers worldwide. If you have a passion for web development and want to make extra money on the side, this will be an excellent opportunity for you. There is a market online no matter in which thing you are interested.

Run YouTube Channel:

There are endless ways to earn money, and one of them is running a YouTube channel. YouTube is a great platform where you can make money by making videos on different topics. You can create videos about things that you know or are passionate about and start earning money from these videos.

There are many apps available to use on your phone and computer for screen recording to create tutorials. If you know how to make websites and know how to educate others then it’s time for you to start earning money by running a YouTube Channel.

The process is simple:

  • First, you need to create your YouTube channel.
  • Create interesting content for the viewers.
  • Post your videos regularly & share them with your audience on social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, etc.


Do web developers still make money?

The web developer role is one of the hottest and most in-demand jobs in the world. Salary ranges as high as $180K for highly skilled developers, while entry-level salaries can be as low as $40K. Web development is a fast-growing industry, but it’s not just a job. It’s a way of life.

Can I learn web development in 3 months?

Web development boot camps typically take 3-4 months to complete and teach all the skills you need to qualify for a web developer job. Learning web development from online courses could take anywhere from a single month to several years, depending on how much time you devote to your courses.

What are the benefits of being a web developer?

As a web developer, you are able to earn from home. You are able to learn different skills. Web development is a highly demanded job and you earn a handsome amount of money.


The most common thing between all of these ways of earning money is that you should be willing to do work. Time is really more important than Money and you shouldn’t have to waste it on anything that won’t benefit you in the long run. We say this because there is not shortcut to success and Hard work is the key to Success. So try to work hard and learn different skills in web development.

If you have learned at least a little about making money as a web developer, please don’t forget to share with others.

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