Why are gaming PCs so expensive?

In this article we will discuss the factors which effect the prices of gaming PC.In this era of Technology many new PC games require powerful specs just to play them. If you want to play these games on maximum settings, the price increases exponentially.Latest games require latest CPUs,GPUs along with 16-32 GB of RAM. PC gaming is expensive and you’ll need to constantly keep your PC and its components up to date. Since gaming PCs use state-of-the-art microchip technologies, keeping your PC updated is very costly.

Why are high-end PC so expensive?

Production cost is one of the main reasons for the increase in prices of PC components.Many companies are now using more expensive materials in their products. As a result, the price of PC parts tends to rise from time to time.

High-End PCsLow-End PCs
Their processing speed is really high.Their Processing speed is not really high.
They can do multiple tasks at the same time with ease.They cant do multiple tasks at the same time with ease.
They have a lot of processing power.Their processing power is not that high.
Difference between high-end PC and Low-end PC

Top 10 factors that make gaming PCs expensive :

GPU (Graphics Card) Demand :

Generally speaking, they’re higher-quality and more difficult to manufacture .  Graphic cards are a crucial part of gaming PC’s. Supposing that one of these requirements is not up to the required standard, your computer is going to hang during the process of playing the game, and it can hinder your gaming experience considerably.The chip’s shortage in the global market is also one of the main reasons that has helped increase the price of graphic cards.

CPU Costs :

Due to increased computer usage, parts that were not used as much before, such as CPU’s, are now in high demand. PCs can be used for gaming, streaming ,academic projects and so much more.This extra functionality partially justifies the high price of a PC used for gaming as well as additional activities.

RAM Requirements :

RAM is used to increase the speed. There is a huge demand and less supply for RAM chips. One of the reason is because of the semiconductor in it. Producing the RAM is highly complex and a lot of technical equipment is required to create this technology. RAM production will be incomplete without the raw materials it is made from.Generally, the prices of these goods and components are rising globally, which is also affecting the price of RAM.

Unlimited Gaming

Monitor :

Since monitors emphasize better quality visuals for professionals and gamers, manufacturers invest more in the hardware and its parts. Monitors are more expensive than TVs because they have higher refresh rates which appeal to PC gamers. A high refresh rate shows a more accurate movement of your mouse or character. Companies  invest a lot of money into ensuring that their monitor screens display accurate colors. This uses expensive electronics to do. Because of that, monitors carry a higher price.

Peripherals (Mouse, Keyboard, Mouse-pad, etc) :

More expensive mouse and keyboards are built using more durable components and materials, and carry with them the expectation that because they’re part of a premium brand, you should be able to use them for years to come.When demand increases while supply remains constant, prices tend to go up. 

Minimum Spec Requirements :

You can play some pretty good games on a cheap PC, but if you want to play heavy games with greater quality then it’s going to require a much more expensive PC. New games require new GPUs and CPUs to run .

Technology Progression :

The pandemic and the supply chain crisis have pushed the cost of virtually everything higher.Supply chains are still struggling to handle pre-pandemic demand. Increased inventory shortages leads to supply and demand challenges. Every year games become harder and harder to run and you can’t just build your PC one year and later on use it for the rest of your life. You need to upgrade it constantly if you want to keep playing new games at max settings.

Chip Shortages :

Due to a shortage of chips, prices are up 25% from last year. The chip shortage is making it hard for manufacturers to find the supplies they need to make computer-powered goods. For instance, automakers are already cutting back on assembly lines. Prices for things like computer graphics cards are skyrocketing. Producers of computer parts are facing a shortage of components such as chips, motherboards, and memory cards due to the high demand from various industries. Prices for these things have increased. As a result, making they are unaffordable for most people.

Labor :

Labor is the main reason why PC parts are so expensive right now. The computer is a complex technology and making its parts is even more complex as it requires expensive manufacturing machinery and engineers . From design to production they go through multiple steps thus All these factors mean that workers making computers need good pay.

RGB And LEDs :

The RGB lighting is popular among gamers because it can create an immersive gaming experience. By customizing the colors on their devices, gamers can create a personalized gaming environment that enhances their gameplay. Additionally, RGB lighting can also make gaming devices look cooler and more stylish. Although it is not a necessity if a gaming PC has a lot of RGB and LED lighting then it will surely increase the price of the PC.


Can you use a regular PC for gaming?

A top-of-the-line PC will outpace many gaming consoles when it comes to sheer computing power, but many low- to mid-tier computers also provide great gaming experiences. PC gaming is largely about customization, giving you a vast array of hardware and accessories to choose from.

Are PC prices going down?

Demand for computers is down. And so are shipments of PCs, according to new data from two different firms. Gartner said computer shipments are down almost 20% year over year; International Data Corp. said they’re down 15%.

Is it cheaper to build a gaming PC?

Building a PC will actually save you money in the long run, because you will likely not need to replace or repair components as often as with a pre-built.

Is it cheaper to build a gaming PC or buy one?

Building a PC will actually save you money in the long run, because you will likely not need to replace or repair components as often as with a pre-built.

How much RAM do I need for a gaming PC?

16GB is the recommended amount of RAM for playing most games and will provide a noticeable increase in performance from 8GB. You will also be able to run applications in the background without affecting gameplay.

What makes a gaming PC different?

The difference is a gaming PC typically has a more powerful CPU and video card and (sometimes) more RAM and data storage space than a general purpose computer because many games tend to be so demanding of hardware resources.

Conclusion :

For gamers, your build depends upon the type of games you’re going to play in the future. If you want to play old games that take up less storage etc then you can use a regular PC but if you want to experience some next-level gaming that contains high graphics, and realistic and smooth gameplay then you’ll definitely need a gaming PC with personalized specifications. You can save money on your gaming PC by buying old or used parts

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