What is underscore (_) on the keyboard?| Best guide


Underscore is a unique character found on computer keyboards and is often underutilized and overlooked by many users. Despite its unassuming appearance, the underscore has several essential functions and plays a crucial role in various applications and programming languages. In this article, we will explore the ins and outs of the underscore on the keyboard, its significance, and how to make the most of it in your digital endeavors.

What is Underscore on the Keyboard?

The underscore, represented as “_”, is a special character located on the standard computer keyboard. It is positioned between the zero (0) key and the hyphen (-) key in the row of keys above the alphabet keys. The underscore has a horizontal line that spans the width of a single character space and is commonly used in various contexts.

History and Origin of the Underscore

The underscore’s history dates back to typewriters, where it was an important character for underlining text. As technology progressed, the use of the underscore evolved beyond underlining to become an integral part of computer programming, web development, and text formatting.

Importance of the Underscore

The underscore holds significant importance in digital communication and serves several critical purposes:

Space Separation in File Names:

When naming files with multiple words, the underscore is often used to separate each word instead of using spaces. For example, “summer_vacation_photos.jpg” instead of “summer vacation photos.jpg.”

Programming and Coding:

In programming languages, the underscore is used as a naming convention for variables, functions, and constants. It is particularly common in Python for readability and clarity.

Website URLs:

In URLs, the underscore can replace spaces to improve readability and optimize the link for search engines. For example, “www.example.com/my_document_page” instead of “www.example.com/my document page.”

Social Media and Hashtags:

On social media platforms, the underscore is often used to connect words in hashtags for better visibility and comprehension, like #ThrowbackThursday.

    Using the Underscore Effectively

    To maximize the potential of the underscore, consider the following tips:

    File Organization:

    Utilize underscores to separate words in file names, making it easier to locate and organize documents.

    Coding Practices:

    Adhere to the conventions of your chosen programming language, and use underscores appropriately in variable and function names.

    URL Optimization:

    When creating website URLs, replace spaces with underscores to enhance SEO and user experience.

    Consistency in Social Media:

    Maintain consistency in your use of underscores in hashtags across different social media platforms.



      Q: Can the underscore be used at the beginning or end of a file name?

      Yes, the underscore can be used both at the beginning and end of a file name. For instance, “example_file_.txt” or “_example_file.txt” are valid file names.

      Q: What are the programming languages that extensively use underscores?

      Python is a prominent example of a programming language that widely utilizes underscores for variable names and method declarations. Other languages like Ruby, JavaScript, and PHP also adopt the underscore convention in certain scenarios.

      Q: Can I use spaces and underscores interchangeably in URLs?

      While some web servers and browsers can interpret spaces in URLs, it is generally not recommended. It’s best practice to use underscores or hyphens to improve readability and compatibility across different platforms.

      Q: Is it essential to follow underscore conventions in social media hashtags?

      While there are no strict rules for social media hashtags, using underscores consistently can make your hashtags more accessible and easier to comprehend.

      Q: How can I type an underscore on a mobile device?

      On most mobile devices, you can access the underscore character by holding down the hyphen (-) key until a pop-up menu appears, allowing you to select the underscore symbol.

      Q: Does using underscores impact SEO?

      Using underscores in file names and URLs can help search engines recognize individual words better, potentially improving SEO.


      The underscore, often underestimated, plays a vital role in digital communication, file organization, programming, and web development. Understanding the diverse applications of the underscore allows us to harness its power effectively. Whether you’re naming files, writing code, or crafting social media hashtags, the underscore is a valuable tool that should not be overlooked. Embrace the versatility of this humble character, and it will serve you well in your digital journey.

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